Let’s Wrap the Planet in a Blessing
At Global Wrapshare™, we believe blessings make an impact.
Each fabric gift wrap is infused with a blessing, for all those who will receive it, as well as those who came before, including the wrap makers and all involved. As the fabric gift wrap is gifted and gifted, the chain of blessings gets deeper and longer. By giving your gift wrapped in a Global Wrapshare fabric wrap you become a special part of this chain blessing. And as you extend your blessing outward, it will be returned to you – exponentially. It’s like a loving, blessing pyramid scheme, filled with love and light. Together we can wrap the planet in a blessing.
We are sometimes asked, “How do you send a blessing through fabric gift wrap?”

There are as many ways to send a blessing through a fabric wrap as there are people on the planet. Many forms of blessings are founded in the loving lineage of spiritual traditions, others simply come from the heart of an individual. Global Wrapshare™ embraces and celebrates it all. We’ve traveled around learning about how others perform blessings, and we’ll share these with you here.
Blessings from the Tibetan Nuns
We had the opportunity to spend time with an amazing devotional community of Tibetan Buddhist nuns at the Dolma Ling Nunnery in Dharamshala, India. Their spiritual path is the focus of their lives. In the video below Lobsang Dechen and Pema share about their blessing tradition and how they bless Global Wraps.
You can learn more about the nuns at Dolma Ling on the Wrap Makers page. You can also click here to visit Tibetan Nuns Project.
Blessings Beyond Religion
At Global Wrapshare™ we celebrate all variations of blessings, religious or not. While I have studied a variety of religious traditions, my mom consciously avoided anything religious. While not religious, she was spiritual (though she might not use that word). My mom didn’t have a chance to bless a fabric gift wrap before she “shuffled off this mortal coil” (as she would say), but if she had, she would say she’s “sending positive vibes.” This was her loving way of offering a blessing, and she did this often. While not founded in a religious tradition, it’s certainly just as heartfelt, powerful, and loving. I still feel her “positive vibes” from the other side.

How do You Send a Blessing?
Global Wrapshare™ holds the intention of celebrating our personal, cultural and spiritual differences and sameness. There are so many ways to offer a blessing.

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Prayer Requests
Is there something specific you’d like prayer and blessings for? Please share it in the field below and we send love and light. Enter the situation, circumstances, names, etc. Include as much information as you’d like. We will not respond, we will just hold it in prayer.
We consider your prayer requests sacred and keep them in confidence. Only our CPO and authorized Global Wrapshare Prayers will have access.
Note: We practice non-directive prayer. We send love and light to what you’re wanting prayer for and leave the details to Spirit, trusting that God knows best.
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