Wrap your gift in a blessing.
There are a variety of ways to use Global Wrap to wrap a gift. Our favorite introductory approach, we call the “1-2-3.”
Using our fabric gift wraps is simple and easy:

- After infusing your fabric wrap with a blessing, position the wrap so the label is upright and place the gift in the center.

Fabric Wrapping Traditions
Recorded use of wrapping with fabric goes back over a thousand years.
The earliest usage we could find (thanks Wiki!) goes back to the 700s in Japan. Furoshiki is a Japanese tradition of wrapping with cloth, which was originally used to wrap clothes while bathing and later used to wrap goods, lunches, even gifts.
Other Asian countries have long time traditions of wrapping with cloth, including Korea bojagi, which is a beautiful patchwork fabric wrap often used in ceremony.
A little closer to my home is one of our favorite wrapping traditions called a ‘bindle.’ The bindle is more common in North America, it was used by migrant workers to tote belongings while traveling from job to job.
Do you or your family have a fabric gift wrapping tradition? Or perhaps it’s something new for you? Either way, Global Wrapshare™ would love to hear more about it as we can share with others. Click here to share with us about your fabric wrapping traditions or your creative approach to fabric gift wrapping.
Submit a Fabric Gift Wrapping Technique

We’d love to hear the creative ways you use Global Wrap. Share what you come up with. Click to submit your pictures or video and description.
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